Behind the scenes
Meet our team

We are a team of adventurers. What makes us unique is the passion and motivation we all share. We have the privilege of making our passion our daily work. This is what makes us a strong, motivated, ambitious and hardworking team. Here are our stories. 



Patrick Pontalti

Office: Bolzano, Italy

Hobbies:  Hiking, ski touring, climbing

What is always in his backpack:  Headlight, flask

Meet Patrick, working in the Returning Goods team at our warehouse. 

Patrick started his career in Oberalp in May 2017 in the Customer Service Team. Together with his colleagues he is now responsible for returning goods in our central warehouse.

If a good mood would be contagious, then Patrick would be the cause of the "good-mood virus". His bright personality and his positive nature perfectly match the guiding principle of Oberalp's founder Heiner Oberrauch: 

Positive attracts positive.


Patrick is a nature lover with a passion for climbing. He is a real team player both in sports and at work. For Patrick as well as for Oberalp, harmony and mutual respect are the core principles for human relations.